Residents are encouraged to sign up for TorranceAlerts to receive timely updates and emergency notifications.
Photos of Progress
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is still accepting applications for low-interest loans aimed at aiding businesses, and non-profits affected by the Severe Winter Storms spanning from January 31st to February 9th, 2024.
Disaster Loan Outreach Center offered virtually:
Virtual Disaster Loan Outreach Center Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. [email protected] (916) 735-1501 |
August 30, 2024 - Slope restoration plans have been finalized. Slope restoration work is scheduled to begin the week of September 9th and will last through November. Work will not require additional closures on Vista Montana.
August 16, 2024 - The City is finalizing the design plans for the slope restoration. It is anticipated that the slope restoration work will begin in September. Following restoration of the slope, the newly repaired slope will be tarped during the winter rainy season as we need to wait until spring to plant groundcover to ensure proper establishment on the slope. We will also be tarping other portions of City-owned hillside and planting in the spring. July 29, 2024 – Vista Montana has been reopened to traffic. |
July 26, 2024
The City anticipates opening Vista Montana before the end of the month. As of July 1, the City completed the roadway stabilization of Vista Montana. Subsequently, West Basin Municipal Water District has been performing previously scheduled work to install an 8” recycled water line on Vista Montana from Newton St to Paseo de las Tortugas, which required the continued closure of Vista Montana. The majority of West Basin’s work will be completed by the end of July, but there will still be a few elements of work remaining that may require limited short-term closures lasting no longer than 8 hours at a time.
Completed activities for Vista Montana:
Unrelated to the February storm, work was also performed by West Basin Municipal Water District:
Completed activities for Vista Montana:
- In-house staff and Contractor cleaned up debris
- Water Division made interim repairs to address the damaged 6” water line
- Hired a geotechnical engineer who prepared a geotechnical report
- Prepared engineering design to stabilize the roadway
- Hired a drilling company to install soldier piles, lagging and concrete slurry backfill to stabilize the roadway
- Hired a contractor to repair the curb and repave a section of damaged roadway
- Prepared engineering design of slope restoration
Unrelated to the February storm, work was also performed by West Basin Municipal Water District:
- 8" recycled water line was installed from Paseo de las Tortugas to Newton Street.
July 16, 2024
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is no longer accepting applications for low-interest loans aimed at aiding at aiding businesses, non-profits, home owners and renters with physical damage caused by the Severe Winter Storms spanning from January 31st to February 9th, 2024. The application deadline for property damage filing was July 16, 2024. For more information visit www.SBA.Gov.
May 18, 2024
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is now accepting applications for low-interest loans aimed at aiding businesses, non-profits, homeowners, and renters affected by the Severe Winter Storms spanning from January 31st to February 9th, 2024.
Disaster Loan Outreach Center offered virtually starting Monday, May 20, 2024:
Virtual Disaster Loan Outreach Center
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
[email protected]
(916) 735-1501
- Businesses and non-profits can borrow up to $2 million
- Homeowners can access loans of up to $500,000 for real estate repairs, and renters
- Homeowners are eligible for up to $100,000 to replace personal property, including vehicles.
- For property damage - July 16, 2024
- For economic injury - February 18, 2025
Disaster Loan Outreach Center offered virtually starting Monday, May 20, 2024:
Virtual Disaster Loan Outreach Center
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
[email protected]
(916) 735-1501
MAY 10, 2024
- Residents in the impacted area were mailed a postcard for awareness that construction work would begin on Vista Montana starting May 13, 2024. Watch the City’s efforts and response to safely reopen Vista Montana.
MAY 1, 2024
- On April 13, 2024, a Disaster Declaration was made by the President regarding the severe winter storms in California that occurred from 1/31/24 – 2/9/24. For more information, visit www.SBA.Gov.
The State is in the process of requesting approval for individual assistance programs as part of this declaration. Residents can seek assistance using resources shared by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) available online. When there are updates on individual assistance, this website will be updated.
Here are the latest updates: - Vista Montana (Mesa St to Via Corona) remains closed indefinitely due to a localized landslide on February 5 that caused a water main break in the hillside between Vista Montana and Vista Largo below. The roadway is closed because it has been determined by Engineers to be unsuitable for vehicle traffic. Public messages sent. Flashing Message Signs are in place to inform drivers. Detour is in place. (Ongoing)
- City hired a geotechnical consultant on February 6 that provided recommendations to temporarily stabilize the hillside using tarps and sandbags over exposed areas of concern. Stabilization measures were installed and remain in place. (Completed)
- A Geotechnical consultant has evaluated existing conditions and performed soil borings. The consultant will be recommending permanent stabilization and repair measures in a final geotechnical report expected in May 2024. (Completed)
- Utilizing the geotechnical report, the City intends to secure the services of licensed contractors to perform emergency repairs to Vista Montana and the hillside between Vista Montana and Vista Largo below. Work will be performed in multiple phases, starting with the stabilization of the roadway on Vista Montana. The geotechnical consultant recommends a permanent soldier pile and lagging wall for this purpose. Soldier pile and lagging walls are commonly used for slope stabilization purposes. The City has retained a licensed Contractor to work on the stabilization of the roadway, and work is anticipated to begin in May. Vista Montana is anticipated to be opened up by July. (Ongoing)
- Subsequent phases will include restoration of the slope and repairs to the water main effected by the localized landslide. The schedule for the subsequent phases is yet to be determined. (Ongoing)
APRIL 16, 2024
- On April 13, 2024, a Disaster Declaration was made by the President regarding the severe winter storms in California that occurred from 1/31/24 – 2/9/24. For more information, visit 4769 | FEMA.Gov.
The State is in the process of requesting approval for individual assistance programs as part of this declaration. Residents can seek assistance using resources shared by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) available online. When there are updates on individual assistance, this website will be updated.
Here are the latest updates: - Vista Montana (Mesa St to Via Corona) remains closed indefinitely due to a localized landslide on February 5 that caused a water main break in the hillside between Vista Montana and Vista Largo below. The roadway is closed because it has been determined by Engineers to be unsuitable for vehicle traffic. Public messages sent. Flashing Message Signs are in place to inform drivers. Detour is in place. (Ongoing)
- City hired a geotechnical consultant on February 6 that provided recommendations to temporarily stabilize the hillside using tarps and sandbags over exposed areas of concern. Stabilization measures were installed and remain in place. (Completed)
- A Geotechnical consultant has evaluated existing conditions and performed soil borings. The consultant will be recommending permanent stabilization and repair measures in a final geotechnical report expected in May 2024. (Ongoing)
- Using the geotechnical report, the City intends to secure the services of a licensed contractor to perform emergency repairs to Vista Montana and the hillside between Vista Montana and Vista Largo below. The scope will also include needed repairs to the water main system effected by the localized landslide. The City anticipates identifying a licensed contractor by June 2024 with intentions to begin repairs shortly thereafter. The construction schedule will then be determined, but could be impacted by contractor availability and/or material supply chain delays, as stated at the April 8 Special District 5 meeting. (Contractor selection anticipated in June 2024)
APRIL 9, 2024
- On Monday, April 8, 2024, the City of Torrance conducted a special District 5 Community Meeting regarding soil challenges and impacted neighbors in the South Torrance area. City staff from Community Development, Public Works, and Office of Emergency Services gave updates regarding yellow and red-tagged homes, road closures on Vista Montana, hillside stabilization plans, and assistance resources. Here are the latest updates:
- Vista Montana (Mesa St to Via Corona) remains closed indefinitely due to a localized landslide on February 5 that caused a water main break in the hillside between Vista Montana and Vista Largo below. Public messages sent. Flashing Message Signs are in place to inform drivers. Detour is in place. (Ongoing)
- City hired a geotechnical consultant on February 6 that provided recommendations to temporarily stabilize the hillside using tarps and sandbags over exposed areas of concern. Stabilization measures were installed and remain in place. (Ongoing)
- A Geotechnical consultant has evaluated existing conditions and performed soil borings. The consultant will be recommending permanent stabilization and repair measures in a final geotechnical report expected in May 2024. (Ongoing)
- Using the geotechnical report, the City intends to secure the services of a licensed contractor to perform emergency repairs to Vista Montana and the hillside between Vista Montana and Vista Largo below. The scope will also include needed repairs to the water main system effected by the localized landslide. The City anticipates identifying a licensed contractor by June 2024 with intentions to begin repairs shortly thereafter. The construction schedule will then be determined, but could be impacted by contractor availability and/or material supply chain delays, as stated at the April 8 Special District 5 meeting. (Contractor selection anticipated in June 2024)
february 15, 2024
- Vista Montana (Mesa St to Via Corona) remains closed indefinitely due to a landslide on February 5 that caused a water main break in the hillside between Vista Montana and Vista Largo below. Public messages sent. Flashing Message Signs are in place to inform drivers. Detour is in place.
- City hired a geotechnical consultant on February 6 that provided recommendations to stabilize the hillside using tarps and sandbags over exposed areas of concern. Stabilization measures were installed and remain in place.
- Geotechnical consultant is further evaluating existing conditions, including performing soil borings, and will be recommending permanent stabilization and repair measures. Subsequently, the City will need to hire a design engineer to prepare design plans and specifications for the permanent stabilization and repair measures to be issued for construction bidding.
- It is currently estimated that it could take up to 6 months to complete Step 3 above. Design will follow.
- Public safety and City service departments are aware of the road closure and have adjusted their operations accordingly.
February 8, 2024
- Vista Montana (Mesa St to Via Corona) remains closed indefinitely due to a landslide on February 5 that caused a water main break in the hillside between Vista Montana and Vista Largo below. Public messages sent. Flashing Message Signs are in place to inform drivers. Detour is in place.
- City hired a geotechnical consultant on February 6 that provided recommendations to stabilize the hillside using tarps and sandbags over exposed areas of concern. Stabilization measures were installed and remain in place.
- Geotechnical consultant is further evaluating existing conditions, including performing soil borings, and will be recommending permanent stabilization and repair measures. Subsequently, the City will need to hire a design engineer to prepare design plans and specifications for the permanent stabilization and repair measures to be issued for construction bidding.
- It is currently estimated that it could take up to 6 months to complete Step 3 above. Design will follow.
- Public safety and City service departments are aware of the road closure and have adjusted their operations accordingly.
City of Torrance Activates Emergency Operators Center
Torrance, Calif., February 6, 2024 – The City of Torrance activated its Emergency Operations Center in response to the unprecedented February storms. With a concerted effort across all City Departments, Torrance is diligently managing the challenges brought by these extreme weather conditions.
Torrance, Calif., February 6, 2024 – The City of Torrance activated its Emergency Operations Center in response to the unprecedented February storms. With a concerted effort across all City Departments, Torrance is diligently managing the challenges brought by these extreme weather conditions.
(Torrance Residents Only. I.D. Required)
Recovery Questions and Facts
Yes, on February 4, 2024 the County of Los Angeles proclaimed a local emergency due to the early February 2024 Winter Storm. The County is in the process of assessing damage to infrastructure and private properties countywide, as well as supporting residents with their individual recovery efforts. Please visit LA County Recovers for more information.
Businesses or other establishments that have suffered damages due to the storm that may result in lost wages for employees, the state may be able to provide funding to assist those organizations negatively affected. The South Bay Workforce Investment Board is available to provide any such assistance. For more information go to or contact the Office of Economic Development by email [email protected] or (310) 618-5807.
The California Department of Insurance (CDI) provides assistance on insurance issues, such as claim handling delays, additional living expenses, underinsurance disputes, availability, etc. The Insurance Commissioner wants to make sure that the claim process moves as smoothly and as quickly as possible and that any underinsurance issues are investigated. If you are experiencing difficulty with the processing of your claim or wish to have an underinsurance issue investigated, contact the officers at the CDI’s Consumer Hotline at 1-800-927-4357(HELP), (TTY: 1-800-482-4833) or visit the CDI website at: For additional information visit the DFEH website at:
The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) can assist with manufactured housing questions including repairs, installations, and/or registration and titling. For other types of housing recovery funding opportunities, please contact your local housing or economic development department. More information can be found at Disaster-Recovery-Assistance-and-Services-Brochure (
The California Employment Development Department ( and local partner agencies at all of America’s Job Center of California SM locations throughout the state offer a wide variety of employment services, such as job search and referrals, and training. Job seekers and employers can connect with thousands of available job opportunities and qualified candidates through CalJobs, California’s online labor exchange system at To find the nearest America’s Job Center of California, visit:
UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS: Workers who lose their jobs due to no fault of their own, such as in the case of a disaster, may be eligible for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. Eligibility for UI benefits requires that individuals be unemployed or working less than full time, be able to work, be seeking work, and be willing to accept a suitable job. The quickest and easiest way to apply is online. If you already have a UI claim, the best way to reopen your claim is through UI Online. Visit the California Employment Development Department (EDD) website at: UI claims also can be filed by telephone at 1-800-300-5616. (For Cantonese, call 1-800-547-3506; For Mandarin, call 1-866-303-0706; For Spanish, call 1-800-326-8937; For Vietnamese, call 1-800-547-2058; For TTY, call 1-800-815-9387).
The South Bay Workforce Investment Board is available to provide any such assistance for businesses or other establishments that have suffered damages due to the storm. For more information go to or contact the Office of Economic Development by email [email protected] or (310) 618-5807.
UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS: Workers who lose their jobs due to no fault of their own, such as in the case of a disaster, may be eligible for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. Eligibility for UI benefits requires that individuals be unemployed or working less than full time, be able to work, be seeking work, and be willing to accept a suitable job. The quickest and easiest way to apply is online. If you already have a UI claim, the best way to reopen your claim is through UI Online. Visit the California Employment Development Department (EDD) website at: UI claims also can be filed by telephone at 1-800-300-5616. (For Cantonese, call 1-800-547-3506; For Mandarin, call 1-866-303-0706; For Spanish, call 1-800-326-8937; For Vietnamese, call 1-800-547-2058; For TTY, call 1-800-815-9387).
The South Bay Workforce Investment Board is available to provide any such assistance for businesses or other establishments that have suffered damages due to the storm. For more information go to or contact the Office of Economic Development by email [email protected] or (310) 618-5807.
The American Red Cross (Red Cross) provides emergency food, shelter, disaster health, and mental health services to individuals and families that have been affected by a disaster. Contact the ARC at 1-800-RED-CROSS (733-2767). If you have been affected by a disaster, “SAFE and WELL” provides a way for you to register yourself as “safe and well.” From a list of standard messages, you can select those that you want to communicate to your family members, letting them know of your well-being. For more information, visit the Red Cross website at:
THE SALVATION ARMY: The Salvation Army provides a variety of services including help with food, household needs, clothing and personal needs. For more information call 1-800-SALARMY (725-2769) or visit the Salvation Army website at:
You can also find information on crisis counseling, Senior and Disabled adult services, and general assistance programs if in need of food assistance by reading the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Disaster Recovery Assistance and Services Brochure at
THE SALVATION ARMY: The Salvation Army provides a variety of services including help with food, household needs, clothing and personal needs. For more information call 1-800-SALARMY (725-2769) or visit the Salvation Army website at:
You can also find information on crisis counseling, Senior and Disabled adult services, and general assistance programs if in need of food assistance by reading the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Disaster Recovery Assistance and Services Brochure at